Amentum IRES Contract

In support of the Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) dynamic and evolving mission to defend against advanced threats, Amentum delivers integrated product and service solutions for MDA’s concurrent tests, training, and operations on the Integrated Research and Development for Enterprise Solutions (IRES) contract. On IRES, Amentum delivers...

Systems Engineering & Program Integration (SEPI)

provides enterprise wide systems engineering and integration ensuring alignment with strategic goals, efficient resource allocation, effective risk management. SEPI seamlessly connects components, systems and processes; achieving interoperability, performance optimization, exceptional execution of sound methodologies and increased mission assurance.  SEPI delivers innovative and integrated solutions across all MDA stakeholders by fostering collaboration, minimizing duplication of efforts, and enhancing overall efficiency.

Enterprise Information Technology (IT) Services

that support Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E), common-use IT and business requirements, and the Missile Defense System (MDS).  This includes Engineering & Technical Services, Cybersecurity, Data Science & Analytics, Cloud & Virtualization Services, and Software Development, Security, and Operations (DevSecOps).  These services provide a platform for the MDA Chief Information Officer to lead the Agency in a thorough modernization of current systems and services that are offered to all parts of the Agency, adding value and increased performance.

Mission Information Technology (MIT)

providing technical excellence, adding unprecedented value to the operational mission elements within MDA.  The team has subject matter expertise in Space Systems, delivering the first of its kind enterprise ground station and space operations from concept to launch phases.  Through the operation of independent verification and validation labs, development and maintenance of software applications, deconfliction and mitigation of maintenance windows; Amentum supports the command, control, battle management and communications element that is the backbone of MDA’s critical missions.  Finally, mission specific support in network engineering, system administration and project management provides an integrated foundation for MDA’s robust testing schedule.

Facilities & Asset Management

delivers world-class facility operations and maintenance, facility modernization projects, and expert asset management through a team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals. This team supports the day-to-day operations for the Missile Defense Integration and Operations Center (MDIOC), the dynamic facility that supports research and development, system-level tests and evaluation, as well as operational and training support to U.S. combatant commands.